
Copy to PasteBoard

When there is selection shape, allow to copy to the pasteboard.

Because of the PoCo.app adopt the PNG as file format, the type of the pasteboard is NSPNGPboardType

Note that the shape is always the rectangle(bounding rectangle) even if the shape is free style.

The PoCo.app using chunks are following:

CHUNK Name Description
IHDR Image Header Since the PoCo.app only support for 256 colos, the Color type of the IHDR is always 3(indexed color).
And, the PoCo.app only support for non-interlace.
iCCP Embedded ICC Profile Store ICC Profile.
Storing data is intact that obtain from the NSScreen.
When the use of ICC profile is specified(checked) on the document setting, this chunk is used.
sRGB Standard RGB Color Space Specified value on the document setting is stored as the SRGB value.
When the use of ICC profile is NOT specified(unchecked), this chunk is used.
gAMA Image Gamma Specified on the document setting value is stored as the gamma value.
When the use of ICC profile is NOT specified(unchecked), this chunk is used.
cHRM Primary Chromaticities and White Point Specified values on the document setting are stored as the chromaticity setting.
When the use of ICC profile is NOT specified(unchecked), this chunk is used.
pHYs Physical Pixel Dimensions Store image resolution(Dot per Inch, DPI).
PLTE Palette Store the R, G, and B element of each color.
The PoCo.app always store 256 elements.
tRNS Transparency Store the tranparency of the auxiliary attributes of a color.
Because of the PoCo.app is use either Transparency or No-Transparentcy, each element have either 0 or 255.
However, when the grayscale treat as transparency is specified on the preferences panel, do not follow that limitation.
The PoCo.app always store 256 elements.
drOP Not use
Private chunk
Store the not-use(exclude color) of the auxiliary attributes of a color.
Because of the PoCo.app is use either Use or Not-Use, each element have either 0 or 1.
The PoCo.app always store 256 elements.
maSK Mask
Private chunk
Store the mask(prohibit overriding) of the auxiliary attributes of a color.
Because of the PoCo.app is use either Allow or Disallow, each element have either 0 or 1.
The PoCo.app always store 256 elements.
IDAT Image Data Store image within the selection shape.
Applied filter is only 0(none filter) in order to reduse the complexity of implementation.
IEND Image Trailer The end of the PNG data-stream within the pasteboard.
