
The Auxiliary attributes of a layer

The auxiliary attributes of a layer is three items as following:

Visible This attribute indicate that choose either visible or invisible.
Below layer(pixel) is coverd when choose visible if there are opaque pixel.
On the other hand, all pixel in a layer is transparent when choose invisible.
This attribute indicate that choose either allow or disallow editing.
Name This attribute is merely name of layer. This is not effect to any way of editing. Also, empty is allowed.
Mainly purpose of this attribute is distinct each layer in document.


When cheked, choose the 'Visible'.

When unchecked, choose the 'Invisible'.


When checked, choose the 'Disallow(protected)'. This means that no-editable.

When unchecked, choose the 'Allow(unprotected)'. This means that editable.


When the edit field is double clicked, allow to edit layer name.
