The difference between versions 1.300(1.3.0) and 1.310(1.3.1)
In be up-to-date version 1.310(1.3.1), the difference between versions 1.300(1.3.0) and 1.310(1.3.1) are listed here.
Added functions are following:
Replace, Fix, Correct
Replaced, Fixed, or Corrected functions are following:
- Fixed an issue that cause crash when changing the name of layer due to raise the Out of Range expception.
- Improved performance, the flood fill with border color has became very fast.
- Fixed an issue that the selectAll menu item could not be affected when the layer window is activity.
- English only: Almost all UI titles, captions, and names are revised.
Delete, Deprecate
Deleted, or Deprecated functions are none.