The difference between versions 1.100(1.1.0) and 1.200(1.2.0)
In be up-to-date version 1.200(1.2.0), the difference between versions 1.100(1.1.0) and 1.200(1.2.0) are listed here.
Added functions are following:
- Added a funcntion that specifies size of layer preview.
In addition, the Layer window had been removed an limitation that restrict size step to particular value.(formerly, size step was particular value rather than any value.)
- In the Replace Color setting panel, a function of the number of color range is added.
- Added a function that store grascale(no-chroma color) treated as transparency into file.
- In the automatic gradient with tile-pattern, added a fnunction that each adjacent color specifies depth of boundary when specifing Adjacent. By default, that depths are depended on the number of pixels within selection area.
- In the selection with painting, added a function that specifies the border color.
- In , specifying CMYK mode is added.
Please note that, the way of making of color is only added, the color space is always RGB.
- Added a function that perform a New Tab function, which create new document(image) with same size as current document.(this behavior is supported by macOS 10.12+.)
Replace, Fix, Correct
Replaced, Fixed, or Corrected functions are following:
- When drawing gradient with color mixing, a start of tint is flipped corresponding with the flip pattern.
- A Default value of the automatic gradient is replaced, which is based upon pixels within selection area.(formerly, default is based upon palette setting, which does not depend selection area.)
- Fixed an issue that erase could not be affected when the top color of palette is masked(prohibit override).
Delete, Deprecate
Deleted, or Deprecated functions are none.